
Noise E-Designation assigned to tax lots is a zoning regulation implemented by the NYC Department of City Planning (DCP) as part of managing noise pollution and ensuring a peaceful environment in New York City (NYC).

The purpose of assigning noise designations to tax lots is to minimize indoor noise pollution to protect the quality of life for NYC residents and promote responsible development practices. Different noise zones, such as Quiet Residential Areas (QRAs), General Residential Areas (GRAs), or Industrial Areas (IAs), are established based on noise levels and the intended land use. The assigned noise designations determine the noise level limits and mitigation requirements for each tax lot. For example, tax lots in QRAs may have lower noise level limits to ensure a quiet residential environment, while tax lots in IAs may have higher noise level limits due to industrial activities.


It’s important for developers and property owners to consider the assigned noise designation when planning and designing projects. They should implement appropriate noise mitigation measures to ensure compliance with the specified noise level limits for the assigned tax lot.

To comply with E-Designation noise requirements, developers, property owners and operators must adhere to specific mitigation measures, including the preparation of a Noise Remedial Action Plan (RAP). The Noise RAP should outline strategies that will require the installation of a specific window/wall attenuation and alternate means of ventilation, as part of the compliance with the E-Designation noise requirements.

The Noise remedial action plan must be approved by OER before development can proceed, and the plan must be implemented to the satisfaction of OER before occupancy is allowed.